Create A Custom Color-Scheme For Your Rooms In Minutes!
Smart Skin is a wonderful tool that lets organizers set a custom color-scheme for their rooms literally within minutes!
The settings section in your Webinato room, contains a “Smart Skin” tab visible to Organizers and Super Admins. There you can choose from one of the offered palettes or create a custom palette for your room or a default for all rooms by selecting only 3 primary colors. Smart Skin then styles the rest of the interface based on those colors. Even better: all changes are made in real-time so you can see how your rooms looks like while modifying the colors.
For instance, you can set the 3 main colors from your website to extend your brand identity to your webinar rooms. SmartSkin will also set the same color scheme for your login pages, event registration or any other public pages besides the webinar room colors.