This API offers a set of functions that enables you to manage archived (recorded) events

Note: You will need to have a skilled web programmer who has a strong knowledge of programming languages such as PHP in order to implement these APIs.

General information and base sample code

The following code block is provided as a function to initiate the authentication and make the url call. Each sample method utilizes this function. The companyID, roomID, and password are found in the Organization Settings section of the admin page

$companyID = 1234; //Found in Modify Organization Settings section of the admin page            
= 5678;   //Found in Modify Organization Settings section of the admin page            
= md5('password');    //Found in Modify Organization Settings section of the admin page

= "";

function callRemote($url, $params, $returnResponse = true)
= curl_init($url);
($c, CURLOPT_POST, true);
($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($params));
($c, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, $returnResponse);

= curl_exec($c);

if ($returnResponse)
return $response;

Company Info

This method returns all the properties and settings for a specified company.

URL Call:

Input Parameters:

POST Parameters:
(str) companyID
(str) md5Pass

Sample Code:

function companyInfo()
global $companyID, $md5Pass, $eventServiceURL;

$params = array(
‘companyID’ => $companyID,
‘md5pass’ => $md5Pass

$url = $eventServiceURL . “/company”;

echo callRemote($url, $params);


Sample Output:

<announcement><![CDATA[Welcome to the ABCD  Conference Center]]></announcement>

Archives List

This method will retrieve the event list.

URL Call:{nMonths}

Input Parameters:

POST Parameters:
(str) companyID
(str) md5Pass
(num) eventPeriod

Sample Code:

function archivesList($eventPeriod = 0)
global $companyID, $md5Pass, $archiveServiceURL;

$params = array(
‘companyID’ => $companyID,
‘md5pass’ => $md5Pass

$url = $archiveServiceURL . “/getList/$eventPeriod”;

echo callRemote($url, $params);

Sample Output:

      <presenter><![CDATA[Chuck Norris]]></presenter>

Archives Details

This method retrieve the archive details using the archive ID {movieID}.

URL Call: {movieID}

Input Parameters:

POST Parameters:
(str) companyID
(str) md5Pass
(str) movieID

Sample Code:

function archiveDetails($movieID)
global $companyID, $md5Pass, $archiveServiceURL;

$params = array(
‘companyID’ => $companyID,
‘md5pass’ => $md5Pass

$url = $archiveServiceURL . “/getMovie/” . $movieID;

echo callRemote($url, $params);

Sample Output:

<presenter><![CDATA[Chuck Norris]]></presenter>

Insert Registrant with Credit Card payment

This method allows you to take a payment to allow the archive to be watched. The company must be setup to accept credit card payments for archives. Contact our sales department to activate the credit card module.

URL Call:

Input Parameters:

POST Parameters:
(str) companyID
(str) md5Pas
(int) movieID
(str) email
(str) firstName 
(str) lastName
(str) ccFirstName 
(str) ccLastName 
(str) ccType  ('Visa', MasterCard', 'Discover', 'American Express')
(str) ccNumber (valid credit card number)
(int) ccExpDateMonth 
(int) ccExpDateYear
(int) ccCVV2Number 
(str) ccAddress1
(str) ccCity 
(str) ccState 
(int) ccZip
(str) ccCountry
(float) amountToPay
Optional parameters:

(str) custom (str)
(float) totalTax (float)
(str 127) invoiceNumber
(str 256) CC_Custom
(str) CC_UserName
(str) CC_Password
(str) CC_Signature

Sample Code:

function insertArchivePayment($movieID)
global $companyID, $md5Pass, $archiveServiceURL;

$params = array(
‘companyID’ => $companyID,
‘md5pass’ => $md5Pass,
‘movieID’ => $movieID,
’email’ => ‘’,
‘firstName’ => ‘Joe’,
‘lastName’ => ‘Martin’,
‘ccFirstName’ => ‘Joe’,
‘ccLastName’ => ‘Martin’,
‘ccType’ => ‘Visa’,
‘ccNumber’ => ‘4245350606097927’,
‘ccExpDateMonth’=> 12,
‘ccExpDateYear’ => 2019,
‘ccCVV2Number’ => 135,
‘ccAddress1’ => ‘1 Main St’,
‘ccCity’ => ‘San Jose’,
‘ccState’ => ‘CA’,
‘ccZip’ => ‘95131’,
‘ccCountry’ => ‘US’,
‘amountToPay’ => 10.00,

‘totalTax’ => 0.83,
‘invoiceNumber’ => ‘inv’ . rand(1, 9999),
‘CC_Custom’ => “$movieID|PPT Recast”,

//    ‘CC_UserName’ => ‘AAAAA’,
//    ‘CC_Password’ => ‘BBBBB’,
//    ‘CC_Signature’ => ‘CCCCC’,

‘dummy’ => 0

$url = $archiveServiceURL . “/archivepayment”;

echo callRemote($url, $params);

Sample Output:


Record Movie Access

This method is used for reporting; it will record Movie access.

URL Call:

Input Parameters:

POST Parameters:
(str) companyID
(str) md5Pass
Optional parameters:
roomID (int)
firstName (str)
lastName (str)
email (str)
phone (str)
address (str)
city (str)
state (str)
zip (str)
country (str)
custom (str)
paymentID (int)

Sample Code:

function recordMovieAccess($movieID, $roomID, $paymentID = 0)
global $companyID, $md5Pass, $archiveServiceURL;

$params = array(
‘companyID’ => $companyID,
‘md5pass’ => $md5Pass,
‘movieID’ => $movieID,
‘roomID’ => $roomID,
‘firstName’ => ‘Paul’,
‘lastName’ => ‘Marmolejo’,
’email’ => ‘’,
‘phone’ => ‘713-123-4567’,
‘address’ => ‘1 Main St’,
‘city’ => ‘Houston’,
‘state’ => ‘TX’,
‘zip’ => ‘77001’,
‘country’ => ‘USA’,
‘custom’ => ”,
‘paymentID’ => $paymentID

$url = $archiveServiceURL . “/recordMovieAccess”;

echo callRemote($url, $params);
recordMovieAccess(39350, $roomID, 1);

Sample Output:

Access Number:

Verify if there is a payment for an archive

URL Call:

Input Parameters:

POST Parameters:
(str) companyID
(str) md5Pass
(int) movieID
(str) email

Sample Code:

function checkArchivePayment($movieID, $email)
global $companyID, $md5Pass, $archiveServiceURL;

$params = array(
‘companyID’ => $companyID,
‘md5pass’ => $md5Pass,
‘movieID’ => $movieID,
’email’ => $email

$url = $archiveServiceURL . “/checkpayment”;

echo callRemote($url, $params);
checkArchivePayment(39350, “”);

Sample Output:
